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Ośrodek Szkolenia Kierowców \MAX\ is located in Brzesko, Poland on Ogrodowa 5. Ośrodek Szkolenia Kierowców \MAX\ is rated 5.0 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Poland.
(Translated by Google) I recommend the MAX school in 100%. P. Piotr gives clear and interesting lectures based not only on the theory from the book but also on his own experiences. After the lectures it is easy and logical to learn the tests and pass them without any problem. Driving with Piotr is also a plus. She is an excellent teacher of curve driving, she excellently explains roundabouts and intersections, all with great peace and professionalism. He has great patience and when something goes wrong he practices it with the student with commitment. I recommend the MAX school to anyone who really wants to learn to ride. (Original) Polecam szkole MAX w 100% P. Piotr prowadzi zrozumiale i ciekawe wyklady opierajace sie nie tylko na teori z ksiazki ale i na wlasnych doswiadczeniach . Po wykladach latwo i logicznie mozna nauczyc sie testow i zdac je bez najmniejszego problemu. Jazda z Panem Piotrem to tez same plusy. Doskonale uczy jazdy po łuku , swietnie tłumaczy ronda , skrzyżowania wszystko z wielkim spokojem i profesjonalizmem. Ma ogromna cierpliwosc i gdy cos nam nie wychodzi cwiczy to z kursantem z zaangażowaniem. Polecam szkole MAX kazdemu kto chce naprawde nauczyc sie jezdzic.
(Translated by Google) I recommend 100% !!! Mr. Piotr is the best driving instructor. (Original) Polecam w 100%!!! Pan Piotr to najlepszy instruktor nauki jazdy.
(Translated by Google) I recommend! A really nice atmosphere. A professional instructor who can prepare a young driver very well !!! (Original) Polecam ! Naprawdę miła atmosfera. Profdsjonalny instruktor który umie bardzo dobrze przygotować młodego kierowcę!!!
(Translated by Google) I would recommend! Interesting rides and a nice atmosphere with an excellent instructor: D (Original) Polecam! Ciekawe jazdy i miła atmosfera ze znakomitym instruktorem :D
(Translated by Google) I recommend this school to everyone! (Original) Polecam wszystkim tą szkołę !
Ośrodek Szkolenia Kierowców \MAX\
+48 505069921
Ogrodowa 532-800 BrzeskoPoland
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